Rails 6
class ProductsController < ApplicationController def index @products = Product.order(:name).page(params[:page]) end end
Products table with pagination
<table class="table table-bordered table-sm infinite-scroll"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>UPC</th> <th>Price</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <% @products.each do |product| %> <tr> <td> <%= product.name %> </td> <td> <%= product.upc %> </td> <td> <%= product.retail_price.format %> </td> </tr> <% end %> </tbody> </table> <%= page_entries_info @products %> <%= paginate @products %>
Wrapping the contents of #page_entries_info inside a CSS class
module ApplicationHelper def page_entries_info(*) tag.span(class: 'page-entries-info') { super } end end
initInfiniteScroll = -> $table = $('.infinite-scroll') return if $table.length == 0 # Flag for request status loading = false # Hide the pagination $('.page-entries-info, .pagination').hide() # Add loading message to the bottom of the table $table.after('<div class="alert alert-light text-center loading">LOADING...</div>') handleScroll = -> return if loading # if next page link exists if url = $('.pagination .page-link[rel=next]').attr('href') if $(window).scrollTop() > $(document).height() - $(window).height() - 500 loading = true ajax(url, { headers: # To get HTML response 'Accept' : 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml' }).then((r) => r.text()).then (html) -> $html = $('<html />').append(html) # Append new records to the table $table.find('tbody').append $html.find('tbody tr') # Update pagination $('.pagination').html $html.find('.pagination') loading = false else # no more pages to load $(window).off('scroll', handleScroll) $('.loading').remove() $('.page-entries-info').show() # show a message, when all the records are loaded if $('.pagination').length > 0 pageTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('page-title')[0].innerText.toLowerCase() totalRecords = $('.page-entries-info b:last').text() $('.page-entries-info').html "Displaying <b>all #{totalRecords}</b> #{pageTitle}" $(window).on('scroll', handleScroll) handleScroll() window.addEventListener 'turbolinks:load', -> initInfiniteScroll() # To prevent multiple scroll events on turbolinks:load document.addEventListener 'turbolinks:before-render', -> $(window).off('scroll')